Oct 5, 2016
Written by:
Al Hill
Trading Focus
I am convinced after thousands of trades that success has very little to do with indicators or systems.
It also has very little to do with how much money you start with in your account.
It all comes down to your ability to stay in the flow with the market. In order to stay in the flow, you have to be in control of your own feelings, thoughts and actions.
In this article, we will cover my tools and techniques for recognizing when I have lost control, work my way back to the center and then stay in the zone.
I am attempting to grow a very modest account trading the Tokyo Stock Exchange over the next 5 years. I am only 6 months in, so don’t hold your breath too long.
The one thing I see time and time again with my trading, is that it all comes down to control.
Let me be more specific.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange is unlike the US markets in many ways.
There are limit ups on individual stocks. This means that a stock can only run a certain number of points in a given day, before all trading stops. You can try to place a limit order, but good look getting that executed as the volume drops off the charts.
The other key difference is that I have very little ability to use margin or short stocks. This is because I am what they would call a “greedy American” and the margin requirements for foreigners are pretty strict.
This has actually worked to my advantage to ensure I do not blow up the account while I am getting my feet wet.
Now that I have finished my whining rant, at the end of the day, the TSE is a market just like any other market.
Yes, there are different rules and yes the stocks may trade differently.
At the end of the day, whether someone is Japanese, Australian, or American, we are all attempting to turn a profit to improve the way of life for our families.
I just wanted to provide the context of what and why I am trading, now I want to dig back into the topic of this post, which is trading in the zone.
My youngest son is in pre-school. Like anything else in life, you learn everything you need to know probably by the age of 3.
One timeless lesson for my youngest, is the concept of self-control.
His teacher preaches this to every student on a daily basis.
Do not hit others. Don’t cry if you need something, collect yourself and use your words.
Many traders, myself included, can use this sort of advice when it comes to placing trades.
Let’s dig into when we find ourselves going off the reservation and how to bring things back to the center.
Before we can discuss keeping things under control, we have to first discuss what happens when you are losing control.
I love to go on runs. I will have a 3 to 4 week run and then I will have some seismic event which brings my account back to earth.
Unlike so many traders, I will not attribute this zig zag equity curve to the Nikkei – it’s all me!
Let me describe some of the things I experience when I lose control and see if any of these apply to you.
These are just my top 8 indicators, that you know what is about to get crazy. You need to dig deep into yourself to identify your own personal triggers.
Some will say stop trading and take a breath. I have probably stated that somewhere on the Tradingsim site at some point.
My humble opinion is of course to practice trading to make sure you adhere to your system. However, I believe that you should trade through the pain.
This of course means you should reduce your size drastically, but you have to keep going. The key thing is to work through the negative thoughts, the doubts, the worry and just focus on getting back to your center.
This may take a week, or it may take 3 months – it is what it is.
The point is keep your head down and don’t think about anything.
This is by far the hardest thing to do and in the spirt of full disclosure, I am going through one of these hyper focused periods, so I wanted to get it out of my head and on the blog.
One to help myself but also to maybe help others.
Now that you have lost control and have traded through the pain, you find yourself in a zone.
I’m talking about 10 or more winning trades in a row. You accidentally click the keyboard, place an order and the stock somehow still goes in your favor, type run.
Let’s list a few ways to stay dialed-in:
I really hope this article helps someone. What I listed in these points again were applicable to me, but you can easily tweak the values or themes to match your trading style.
At the end of the day we are all experiencing the same feelings and emotions due to our human condition.
Feel free to email me at admin@tradingsim.com to discuss this topic further.
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